Coffee Ani Barach Kahi - (2015) - Netflix

1h33m - Comedies

The anatomy and evolution of a young couple's relationship, along with the struggles they face, are explored in two separate timelines.

Director: Prakash Kunte
Cast: Suyash Tilak, Neha Mahajan, Prarthana Behere, Sandesh Kulkarni, Ashwini Ekbote, Bhushan Pradhan, Vaibhav Tatwawdi
Netflix Rating:
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 0/100
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Available Since: 2017-12-15
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Synopsis What happens when two young people meet and start liking each other? Somebody takes initiative, express the feelings and then if both feel the same, and they click. However, what happens when Jaai and Nishad meets is comedy of errors. Jaai is a girl whose ideas of romance are blossomed by following all Hindi films. While for Nishad love is an illusion, he's amazed with the fact that people are so desperate to fall in love. How typical it might be, but the fact is opposite attracts .Falling in love turns out to be an easy process for Jaai, .While Nishad tries to figure out that how he can like someone like Jaai. It becomes difficult for him to digest .After a lot of thinking, when he isn't left with any other option than to accept the fact that he has fallen for her. Since they like each other, the next step would be 'guy asks out'. For Jaai proposal has to come from Nishad, while he thinks that they will mutually get there. So even after liking each other, being stubborn they stick to their opinions, until an incident happens where they need to take a final decision. Do they meet or part their ways? Well, we all know the end. Nevertheless, the film is not about destination, it's a film about journey that ends with a beginning.

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